Sex Surveys

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"The usual test, whether that which any one maintains is merely his persuasion, or his subjective conviction at least, that is, his firm belief, is a bet. It frequently happens that a man delivers his opinions with so much boldness and assurance, that he appears to be under no apprehension as to the possibility of his being in error. The offer of a bet startles him, and makes him pause. Sometimes it turns out that his persuasion may be valued at a ducat, but not at ten. For he does not hesitate, perhaps, to venture a ducat, but if it is proposed to stake ten, he immediately becomes aware of the possibility of his being mistaken—a possibility which has hitherto escaped his observation. If we imagine to ourselves that we have to stake the happiness of our whole life on the truth of any proposition, our judgement drops its air of triumph, we take the alarm, and discover the actual strength of our belief. Thus pragmatical belief has degrees, varying in proportion to the interests at stake." (Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by J.M.D. Meiklejohn. Public domain.)

If you would like to give your (weighed) opinion in a short survey (11 questions), each of 48 confidential, anonymous surveys (links) will be found at the end of each designated book (at the listed price, with a different title). The results will be incorporated into my next book.

01. Lying & Pussy Faith ($1.68)               07. Cogs & Enemies ($1.68)

    02. Profitable Sex War ($1.00)               08. Lying Is Greed ($1.68)

        03. Getting Mad ($1.03)                   09. All Men--Predators ($1.00)

            04. Baby Cash Flow Stream ($1.06)           10. Pain Bearing ($1.68)

                05. Rise & Fall of Freedom ($1.49)           11. Evil-ution ($1.05)

                    06. All Women--Pedophiles ($1.68)           12. Motivation Ejaculation ($1.49)

13. Energy 1 ($1.05)                       19. Holy Spirit/Good Faith Sex ($1.00)

    14. Energy 2 ($1.03)                       20. Groupthinking ($1.06)

        15. STDs ($1.49)                         21. I UTI U ($1.00)

            16. Practicing ($1.03)                     22. WARC ($1.49)

                17. Assets, Principal, & Interest ($1.49)         23. A List of History ($1.03)

                    18. Vows & Promises ($1.05)               24. Cuanto Cuesta ($1.05)

25. Eye-catching ($1.49)                     31. Fragrances ($1.68)

    26. Matthew's Wife's Effect ($1.49)             32. Humor ($1.68)

        27. Parties ($1.49)                       33. What Are You Like? 1 ($1.49)

            28. The Workplace ($1.00)                 34. What Are You Like? 2 ($1.68)

                29. Familianity ($1.03)                   35. Going Steady ($1.03)

                    30. The Creator ($1.06)                   36. Married Men ($1.03)

37. Half-attention ($1.05)                     43. Willing to Work the Land ($1.05)

    38. Labials ($1.68)                         44. Memory ($1.49)

        39. Ich Du vs. Dick You ($1.68)               45. Jesus Christ in Bed ($1.06)

            40. Love Is the Opposite of Love ($1.05)         46. Dirty Dirt ($1.68)

                41. Balance ($1.05)                       47. Laws 1 ($1.49)

                    42. Cross-fertilization ($1.49)               48. Laws 2 ($1.68)

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